The Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship provides a unique educational and professional experience to graduate students interested in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources and the national policy decisions affecting those resources.
The Fellowship, named after one of Sea Grant’s founders and former NOAA Administrator John A. Knauss, matches highly qualified graduate students with “hosts” in the legislative and executive branch of government located in the Washington, D.C. area, for a one-year paid fellowship.
A few FAQs from the Fellowship website:
Who is eligible?
Any student, regardless of citizenship, is eligible to submit to this opportunity if:
The student is enrolled towards a degree in a graduate program at any point between the onset of the 2023 Fall Term (quarter, trimester, semester, etc.) and February 15, 2024;
The graduate degree will be awarded through an accredited institution of higher education in the United States or U.S. Territories, and;
The student has an interest in ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources.
How long is the fellowship?
The fellowship is one year (non-renewable). The dates of the official fellowship are February 1, 2025 – January 31, 2026.
View the application webinar and visit the website for more details!